a letter for future me and past me

Dear past me..
I’m you 10 years from now. I just attended a great event where I asked a question about ‘arriving’ in terms of success to a panel and someone said I should write you a letter to acknowledge where I’ve come from in the past 10 years.
I know you very well. So I wanted to share some things with you from where I am standing 10 years later. Where do I start? Right now you think you know everything. And as you read these words, you are probably thinking, “What? No I don’t.” But trust me. I know you do. I am you remember?
And the truth is, that’s okay. Because where you go and what you do is perfect for where you are.
You are full of life and full of vigor. You seek justice in all situations. You care about things being ‘right’ because you are a very, very moral person. You never lose that passion, and people love you for it. Although you’re not so much out to ‘fuck’ the world anymore. You’re out to love it.
Don’t be scared. Be strong. You are special.
You are a leader. I know right now you don’t know this but you see this as potential in yourself. Fret not, it will be realized. You will be a shining light in many a dark situation. (Plus, I know you get off on that shit… All knight in shining armour and stuff. That will wear out.)
Soon, you will meet a mentor who will provide you with opportunity after opportunity. And the good news is you will take them all.
You will seize them all. Everything he throws at you.
You will impress those who doubt you and make many around you believe that you can do anything. Your parents will be very proud.
And that is a big part of your brilliance.
People will look up to you and you will deal with many, many tough situations. No it doesn’t end. I’m sorry. But people will look at you and say that you are mature. And you are.
You are about to embark on an abundant financial path and work very hard for it. Good on ya! You will be rewarded. You’re going to achieve a lot because of your honesty, sincerity and hard work. Don’t spend it all in one place.
You’re a good girl and you are loved. You’re very looked after.

dear future me…

i hope you  have not lost your drive,
i hope that every comment about now your dreams were unreallistic and how your chances were one in million or that you needed a 'back up plan' had an effect on you.......

but in the oppositeway there way meant to.

i pray that every comment that said you can not made you more determined to know your could.

my greatest hope is for the plans that god has for me now and here (as he promisses me ) have become not only plan but your life.

snakespear said "its not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves" but with all due respect to snakespear...
the dude was wroung.

if my destiny really did depend on me you, dear friend would be living in a screwed up life.
where you are now is where god is preparing me for here.
remember this is just waiting place, break a leg.....

you past 2016
