my speech about low of regional minimum wage in west borneo

Dear or lecture mrs Dini Haitizulfani and all of beloved friends. Let us praise the presence of allah ho has given his grace and guidance to us. Because of his grace e can gather on this day. In this occasion I will speech about the low of regional minimum wage in west borneo.
What is regional minimum wage? Regional minimum age is a monthly salary of the lowest consisting of basic salary plus fixed allowance prevailing in a province.
How do set regional minimum wage? Assignment held every year through a long process. First local government with labors and businessman hold meeting, and make team survey. And than team survey go to location to do survey and find out need required by employes.
In Indonesia employes average received regional minimum wage are private sector employess, labors, and contrac employes. Because regional minimum wage determintation by amount of cost in regional or province. Average mayor cities have regional minimum wage being highest position in Indonesia.
Province that received the highest regional minimum wage is DKI Jakarta, that is RP. 3.100.00,00 followed papuas and north Sulawesi, that is RP. 2.400.000,00. And the lowest regional minimum wage is west nusa tenggara that is RP. 1.500.000,00. In java and borneo average have regional minimum wage more than RP. 2.000.000,00 just west borneo have regional minimum wage under RP.2000.000 that is just RP. 1.800.000,00.
Its disappointed for employess in west borneo because I think cost of living in west borneo is expensive.
The development of regional minimum wage in west borneo from 2013 is rp. 1.000.000,00 being 1.300.000,00 in 1014 increase 30% than previous. And then being RP. 1.500.000,00 in 2015 increase 13,04%. And now in 2016 the regional minimum wage RP. 1.800.000,00.
The low income gave the effect consumption wil be reduce. It reducing the level of prosperity. And a lower standard of living. High prices of raw materials daily necessities increased while wages they receive is still minimal. when employment narrow that happens then there is no other option the workers / laborers. The negative impact of minimum wage, are:Reducing the level of welfare, Low living standard, Decreased levels of productivity.

We hope the government can reduce the inflation. so that the minimum wage of employees are able to meet their needs. Thank you for attention.
